The Pharmacy


When you prepare your van life trip, you should not forget the first aid kit. You will need these tools to stay healthy. Besides being useful, it is very reassuring to know that you can take care of yourself while you are alone in the wilderness.

Here is a list of the essentials that we advise you to put in one of the drawers of the Tchao Tchao kit:

Medication and common equipment

Depending on the problems you have and know about and the reactions you may discover during your trip, there are some medications you should not forget such as: analgesics, antihistamines, antidiarrheals, cough suppressants, anti-nausea medication, anti-vomiting medication, antipyretics (to reduce fever), heartburn medication, etc.

It is also smart to take products for digestion such as probiotics, but also Aleppo or Marseille soap, without forgetting the toothbrush and toothpaste (have you ever tried solid toothpaste?). It's up to you to expand this list according to your needs.

The articles first aid kit

Whether it is for a small or big boo-boo, we advise you to take with you bandages of any size, disinfectants, scissors, tweezers, disposable gloves, hydroalcoholic gel...

Always remember to wash your hands before handling your injuries. If you are in pain or start to worry, contact a doctor, a friend or family member, or go to the nearest first aid station. Don't forget to bring surgical masks, they are always needed.

We also advise you to keep a survival blanket in your car, next to the mandatory yellow vest.

The products personal hygiene

Ladies, we've all been fooled by the period coming too soon, so don't forget your personal hygiene items such as tampons, sanitary napkins, creams for skin irritations. Also, for a more eco-friendly impact, we suggest you try menstrual panties, it's more adapted to your body, it's natural and reusable. If you have pain, think about a hot water bottle or adapted medicines. Don't forget condoms, cotton buds (or ear plugs), biodegradable toilet paper, tissues...

Medication by order of

If you have a prescription, make sure you have the document and enough doses for the entire trip.

Also, if you have allergies, don't forget to take your medication such as antihistamines, nasal sprays...

Are you sick in the car? We should also point out that traveling by car can be upsetting to passengers and can cause nausea. Remember to take precautions before getting in the car. We recommend essential oils, natural sprays, acupressure bracelets or medication.

Stings of insects

There's nothing more annoying than a misplaced mosquito spot! It itches, swells and can even trigger an allergy. To prevent bites, you can use repellent or citronella products like candles (it keeps them away and smells good). And for relief, you can take products like soothing creams or roll-up sticks with you.

Returns of hikes

Have you ever come back from a hike and been sore? For muscular pains, you can massage yourself or have someone massage you with cream or arnica. Otherwise you can take homeopathic arnica. And for the annoying blisters, you can treat them quickly with adapted bandages.

Also, after walking off the trail, in the tall grass or just in nature, look around your body during the shower, in every nook and cranny to find hidden ticks.

Of course, you will have thought to take the tick remover in your first aid kit. Be careful, you have to use this tool to avoid leaving the insect on or in your skin, get information before using it.

The products solar

Never forget the sunscreen! Whether it's a bright sunny day or a slightly grey one, UV rays are present and we don't necessarily realize it. A big sunburn can make you dizzy, tired or vomit. To avoid that, you have to protect yourself with sunglasses, a hat, an anti UV t-shirt...

You also know that repeated sunburns can have harmful effects on your body (cancer, premature aging, allergies).

Stings of insects

There's nothing more annoying than a misplaced mosquito spot! It itches, swells and can even trigger an allergy. To prevent bites, you can use repellent or citronella products like candles (it keeps them away and smells good). And for relief, you can take products like soothing creams or roll-up sticks with you.

Returns of hikes

Have you ever come back from a hike and been sore? For muscular pains, you can massage yourself or have someone massage you with cream or arnica. Otherwise you can take homeopathic arnica. And for the annoying blisters, you can treat them quickly with adapted bandages.

Also, after walking off the trail, in the tall grass or just in nature, look around your body during the shower, in every nook and cranny to find hidden ticks.

Of course, you will have thought to take the tick remover in your first aid kit. Be careful, you have to use this tool to avoid leaving the insect on or in your skin, get information before using it.

The products solar

Never forget the sunscreen! Whether it's a bright sunny day or a slightly grey one, UV rays are present and we don't necessarily realize it. A big sunburn can make you dizzy, tired or vomit. To avoid that, you have to protect yourself with sunglasses, a hat, an anti UV t-shirt...

You also know that repeated sunburns can have harmful effects on your body (cancer, premature aging, allergies).

Stings of insects

There's nothing more annoying than a misplaced mosquito spot! It itches, swells and can even trigger an allergy. To prevent bites, you can use repellent or citronella products like candles (it keeps them away and smells good). And for relief, you can take products like soothing creams or roll-up sticks with you.

Returns of hikes

Have you ever come back from a hike and been sore? For muscular pains, you can massage yourself or have someone massage you with cream or arnica. Otherwise you can take homeopathic arnica. And for the annoying blisters, you can treat them quickly with adapted bandages.

Also, after walking off the trail, in the tall grass or just in nature, look around your body during the shower, in every nook and cranny to find hidden ticks.

Of course, you will have thought to take the tick remover in your first aid kit. Be careful, you have to use this tool to avoid leaving the insect on or in your skin, get information before using it.

The products solar

Never forget the sunscreen! Whether it's a bright sunny day or a slightly grey one, UV rays are present and we don't necessarily realize it. A big sunburn can make you dizzy, tired or vomit. To avoid that, you have to protect yourself with sunglasses, a hat, an anti UV t-shirt...

You also know that repeated sunburns can have harmful effects on your body (cancer, premature aging, allergies).

The products personal hygiene

Ladies, we've all been fooled by the period coming too soon, so don't forget your personal hygiene items such as tampons, sanitary napkins, creams for skin irritations. Also, for a more eco-friendly impact, we suggest you try menstrual panties, it's more adapted to your body, it's natural and reusable. If you have pain, think about a hot water bottle or adapted medicines. Don't forget condoms, cotton buds (or ear plugs), biodegradable toilet paper, tissues...

Medication on prescription

If you have a prescription, make sure you have the document and enough doses for the entire trip.

Also, if you have allergies, don't forget to take your medication such as antihistamines, nasal sprays...

Are you sick in the car? We should also point out that traveling by car can be upsetting to passengers and can cause nausea. Remember to take precautions before getting in the car. We recommend essential oils, natural sprays, acupressure bracelets or medication.

Stings of insects

There's nothing more annoying than a misplaced mosquito spot! It itches, swells and can even trigger an allergy. To prevent bites, you can use repellent or citronella products like candles (it keeps them away and smells good). And for relief, you can take products like soothing creams or roll-up sticks with you.

Returns of hikes

Have you ever come back from a hike and been sore? For muscular pains, you can massage yourself or have someone massage you with cream or arnica. Otherwise you can take homeopathic arnica. And for the annoying blisters, you can treat them quickly with adapted bandages.

Also, after walking off the trail, in the tall grass or just in nature, look around your body during the shower, in every nook and cranny to find hidden ticks.

Of course, you will have thought to take the tick remover in your first aid kit. Be careful, you have to use this tool to avoid leaving the insect on or in your skin, get information before using it.

The products solar

Never forget the sunscreen! Whether it's a bright sunny day or a slightly grey one, UV rays are present and we don't necessarily realize it. A big sunburn can make you dizzy, tired or vomit. To avoid that, you have to protect yourself with sunglasses, a hat, an anti UV t-shirt...

You also know that repeated sunburns can have harmful effects on your body (cancer, premature aging, allergies).

Stings of insects

There's nothing more annoying than a misplaced mosquito spot! It itches, swells and can even trigger an allergy. To prevent bites, you can use repellent or citronella products like candles (it keeps them away and smells good). And for relief, you can take products like soothing creams or roll-up sticks with you.

Returns of hikes

Have you ever come back from a hike and been sore? For muscular pains, you can massage yourself or have someone massage you with cream or arnica. Otherwise you can take homeopathic arnica. And for the annoying blisters, you can treat them quickly with adapted bandages.

Also, after walking off the trail, in the tall grass or just in nature, look around your body during the shower, in every nook and cranny to find hidden ticks.

Of course, you will have thought to take the tick remover in your first aid kit. Be careful, you have to use this tool to avoid leaving the insect on or in your skin, get information before using it.

The products solar

Never forget the sunscreen! Whether it's a bright sunny day or a slightly grey one, UV rays are present and we don't necessarily realize it. A big sunburn can make you dizzy, tired or vomit. To avoid that, you have to protect yourself with sunglasses, a hat, an anti UV t-shirt...

You also know that repeated sunburns can have harmful effects on your body (cancer, premature aging, allergies).

In general, the organization of the first aid kit is boring, but we are so happy when we need it! These safety and hygiene tips are for first aid, obviously if it gets worse, you go to the pharmacy, a doctor or the emergency room.

Some people also bring an adrenaline syringe, to be used in certain rare cases (cardiovascular arrest, anaphylactic shock...). Find out about it before using it. Note that all this waste must not end up in the nature.

You can take a few more of these utensils in your first-aid kit to help out other travelers in need! By the way, Julien, the founder of Tchao Tchao has done the exercise and his kit weighs about 600 grams. So you have no excuse not to take this little travel pharmacy!

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