How do you prepare your car for a road trip? 
Published April 10

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Going on vacation is always a moment to look forward to, but have you thought about doing a quick check-up on your car before you leave? To avoid unpleasant surprises along the way, it's best to take 10 minutes to check that everything is OK with the car.

The team has thought of everything and put together a checklist of things to check before enjoying your vacation!
The first thing to check when you go away for the weekend is the exterior of the vehicle and its surroundings. Remember to look around the vehicle for any objects that might be sharp or that could damage your tires. 
The first step is to check the condition of your tires before setting off. 

Checking tires:

Tire pressure :

To check your tire pressure, you can use an inflator, following the instructions on your tires or on the manufacturer's label. Be careful not to over-inflate your tires, as this could have an impact on your driving and damage your tires.

Tire wear:

To check the wear of your tires, simply run your hand over the tire and check the wear indicators. In the vast majority of cases, the indicator takes the form of a small, raised triangle.

If your tires are smooth and you don't find any wear indicators slightly raised from the tire, you'll need to change the wheel quickly to ensure your safety on the road.

A spare tire:

A very important item not to forget is the spare tire or puncture-proof kit to be prepared in case of a problem.

Now that the car tour is over, it's time to move on to the slightly less fun part of fluid control. 

Check fluid levels: 

Engine oil:

Think about check your vehicle's engine oil level . To do this, go to the front of the vehicle and remove the vial containing the oil. You should find a scale with a minimum and maximum level to be respected. It's important to respect the indicated level to avoid damaging your engine.

Coolant :

To check the coolant oil level, follow the same procedure, making sure that the coolant level is between the gauges indicated.

Brake and power steering fluid :

Brake fluid is checked in the same way as coolant and engine oil, using a visual system of dipsticks. Power steering is simply checked by starting the vehicle, and when stationary, try turning the steering wheel. If you feel any resistance or if the steering is not fluid, you'll need to make a detour to the garage to solve the problem.

Windshield wipers and washer :

Windscreen wipers are something you don't necessarily think about checking when you're away for the weekend, but they're essential for safe, pleasant driving. It's advisable to change your wipers once to ensure they're in good condition. Always with visibility in mind, make sure you have the correct level of windshield washer fluid for safe driving.
Lighting and signage :

Because it'simportant to see and be seen, test all your lights: indicators, hazard lights, brake lights and headlights.

First-aid kit and mandatory equipment :

Always carry a small first-aid kit in your vehicle and on your person. In the event of a breakdown or accident, make sure you have as many yellow vests as passengers, and a warning triangle to be visible to other drivers and make the area safer. 

Hopefully, this checklist will help you get the most out of your vacation!

See you soon for more adventures!

Tchao Tchao 

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