5 winter nature outings for the whole family in Angers

Today, the Tchao Tchao editorial team tells you all about the beautiful city of Angers (we'll try to be objective, we promise!) and introduces you to some great places to spend some quality time with the family!

The plant garden

The Jardin des Plantes is located in the heart of Angers. With a surface area of 4 hectares, this garden is inspired by English gardens, with irregular spaces and numerous plant species. If you want to have fun recognizing them, you can find QR codes that tell you the species of plants. A great family activity. 

In the center of the garden, there's also a small lake where ducks and signs live, but they're not the only animals in the garden. For children, there's also a small playground where they can have fun.

It's the perfect idea for a nature outing, and very accessible by bike. 

Gaston Allard Arboretum

Welcome to the Arboretum, a haven of peace created by Gaston Allard between 1863 and 1915. It's like a tableau vivant with its many gardens, including the Jardin des Ombrages, the Jardin des Essais, and the latest, the Jardin des 5 Sens. As their names suggest, these areas are brimming with plants that take us on a journey without even leaving the park.

For those who like to relax (even in winter, we love to sunbathe), imagine yourself sitting on a quiet bench or under a majestic hundred-year-old oak with a good book. 

With the whole family, it's the perfect place to test your botanical knowledge by trying to identify some of the 20,000 species found in the park.

The Mediterranean Garden 

in Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire

Welcome to this charming little garden in Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire, a veritable corner of paradise where aromatic plants, vines and dragonflies instantly transport you to the Mediterranean. It's the kind of place that delights hikers and joggers, who are always amazed by the spectacular scenery.

For those who enjoy a quiet moment, small picnic tables are conveniently placed so you can enjoy a family meal while admiring the view and listening to the gentle murmur of the Loire. And if there's a plant you're particularly fond of, don't panic! Each one is carefully labelled, ready to reveal all its secrets. Enough to give you ideas for recreating a little piece of the Mediterranean in your own garden, don't you think?

photo credits: D.Mouraud / Destination Angers

The port on the Ile d'Angers

Look out for a little nugget in the harbor on Ile Saint Aubin. Located on the River Maine, it offers a peaceful atmosphere in the heart of the city. Although the guinguette remains closed in winter, you can still take a long walk around the island! (If the Maine isn't too high, of course). 

We love this greenery as far as the eye can see and there are large stretches of grass where children can easily play ball and other outdoor games. 

Parc des Ardoisières in Trélazé

Once dedicated to slate quarrying, this area is now a park where nature has reclaimed its rights, a truly magical transformation.

Imagine yourself walking among the hills, with old pieces of slate dotting the landscape. It's really nice! There are places to relax, picnic and even play areas for the little ones. 🧺 The stunning color of the water is a surprise in itself, with areas of azure blue highlights contrasting beautifully with the surrounding slate. All along the trail, little markers tell you the captivating story of these places.

The Parc des Ardoisières is also a cultural venue, animated by artistic events and exhibitions throughout the year (although there's very little going on in winter).

I hope I've given you a few addresses where you can spend time with your family and make memories together. Don't hesitate to share with us in the comments, a place that allows you to share good times in nature with your family. 

Tchao Tchao!