Destination hiver: 5 family outings in Paris 

Winter in Paris isn't just about the dazzling illuminations of the Eiffel Tower and the snow-covered streets of the Champs-Élysées. For a truly special family winter getaway, head for little-known places that are well worth a visit, even when the cold sets in.
The Tchao Tchao editorial team has come up with the perfect addresses for your family's Christmas vacations! 

1) Auteuil greenhouse gardens 

The gardens of the Serres d'Auteuil are a must-see for the whole family! The gardens are made up of 6 greenhouses featuring different plant species and atmospheres, including an African greenhouse and an Asian greenhouse. Along the way, fun activities and games are set up to help young and old alike discover the fauna.
You could even have fun trying to guess the species of plants you'll come across on your next roadtrip. This fun activity lets you take the time to observe your surroundings and expand your botanical knowledge 😁. 

Photo credit: Émilie Chaix

How do I get there? 

The sea of sand at Nemours

Why drive for hours to see the sea when there's one just around the corner?

The train departs from Gare de Lyon and takes about 1h10 to Bagneux-sur-loing. Once you're there, you're in for a real treat! 

La mer de sable (ok there's no water but sand), is located in Ile-de-France. You'll find miles of sandy beaches and, after a 4km walk, you'll be surprised to discover small streams. This family outing will enable you to reconnect with nature and discover new places.   

Paris's inner ring road

More commonly known as the "petite ceinture", this former railway line was closed for good on July 22, 1934, due to strong competition from the metro. Today, nature has reclaimed its rights and the railroad has gradually been transformed into an area where vegetation is omnipresent. 
Open to the public, many people stroll along this path within the city of Paris. A breath of fresh air and a chance to clear your head. Please note that this voice is forbidden to our little four-legged friends in order to preserve this biodiversity.  

Les Lacs de l'Essonne in Evry 

Located on the outskirts of Paris, these lakes were once dedicated to the exploitation of sand quarries. When this activity ceased in the 60s, nature reclaimed its rights and the water settled to form the lakes. Since then, the site has been redeveloped as a place to relax in the heart of the city. Whether you're coming with the family for a stroll, a picnic or simply to enjoy nature, the Essonne Lakes are the perfect place. All around the lakes, you'll find 7km of footpaths, enough to delight walking enthusiasts. In winter, the activities usually offered in summer are closed, but you can still come and fish on the lake. To help you discover the animals present in the park in a playful way, small signs indicate the species present and give you a brief explanation of that animal. In particular, there are around sixty species of birds around these lakes. 

You can even spend the night with a van conversion kit ! A night in the great outdoors, just the way we like it. 

Parc des Chanteraines in Gennevilliers

The Parc des Chanteraines in Gennevilliers is located in the heart of the city, covering more than 82 hectares. This free park, open to all, offers  a range of activities to suit all tastes: playgrounds for the little ones, peaceful paths for walkers and picnic areas for families looking for a friendly get-together. 

Whether you're looking for relaxation, a place to meditate or simply a pleasant setting for a family getaway, Parc des Chanteraines is the ideal haven of peace just a stone's throw from the hustle and bustle of the city.

There are so many other places to relax and share warm moments in Paris in winter. Don't hesitate to pnter your comments, share your favorite places to enjoy the great outdoors with your family.