The minimalist suitcase

Creating a minimalist suitcase isn't as easy as you might think, especially when you're going on your first trip! 

We often overtax ourselves and quickly realize that half of what we've planned isn't going to be useful... 

Today, the TCHAO TCHAO editors are giving you a few tips to help you leave with just the essentials!

Travel documents

Let's start with your travel documents, which are essential to your stay and must not be forgotten before you set off! They consist of the vehicle's papers, including : 

- Driver's license (always more practical)

- The vehicle registration document (also essential)

- Vehicle insurance documents .

 As well as your personal papers, i.e. : 

- Identity card

- Carte vitale 

- Health booklet (in case of specific health problems)

If you're worried about losing your papers once the kit is installed, you can slip your papers into the vehicle's glove compartment so they're always within easy reach!

Tools and safety equipment

If there's one area where you shouldn't skimp on quantity, it's safety! Of course, there's no point in overloading yourself, so we've put together a short list of things you might find useful. the following : 

- the famous young safety vest ( not very trendy but still very useful)

- the warning triangle

- A small fire extinguisher (available in supermarkets and car dealerships)

- A first-aid kit

- A tire repair kit  

Basic equipment

For those with a bit of a head on their shoulders, and for whom losing the car key doesn't seem all that unlikely, a spare vehicle key proves useful for continuing your tour. 

If you've planned to do some reading during your stay, a headlamp  can be handy for reading a book in peace and quiet. 

For others, a small flashlight with spare batteries will suffice. Don't forget to take a phone charger that can be plugged into your vehicle. 

Navigation and communications

For your journey, here are a few things you can do to save time and avoid traffic jams: 

- a GPS or a navigation application such as Waze 

- A portable battery to recharge your electronic devices

Camping and cooking 

Camping tables and chairs :

If the weather lends itself, you can plan to camping chairs and a small table to eat outdoors.

Sleeping bag :

For a good night's sleep in your vehicle, it's important to adapt your sleeping bag to the season. In winter, opt for an insulating bag, while in summer a breathable sleeping bag is more suitable.

Kitchen utensils :

For outdoor cooking, the gas stove is a must-have for all your cooking needs.

To make tasty dishes, take along a few kitchen utensils such as :

- A casserole dish 

- A stove

- Cutlery and plates

- Glasses stainless steel, if possible stackable to optimize space 

- Mugs 

Dry foods, preserves :

When you're out and about, it's best to opt for dry goods or tin cans are easy to store and don't take up much space. As for water, remember to take a few bottles or filter straws so you can drink river or spring water. 

Soap, sponge and cleaning materials :

As for cleaning, a simple sponge , a tea towel and soap are enough to wash the dishes. You can also bring along a small hand brush for dust and small dirt.  

We hope this article has helped you pack a minimalist suitcase and leave with only the essentials. 

You can also watch a video with Axelle on the minimalist suitcase just below :) 

Bonne route à toi et à bientôt!