23 must-have accessories for vanlife weekends

Getting ready for a vanlife weekend getaway? There's nothing more exciting than imagining yourself on the road in a van, a van or a converted car, enjoying a wonderful holiday. But to make sure your trip goes smoothly, it's important to pack all the essentials in your luggage! We're sharing our 23 must-have accessories for a successful vanlife weekend !

Essential vanlife accessories for maximum comfort

The sleeping bag

It's hard to sleep comfortably without a good sleeping bag! Even if you can use a sheet and comforter with the mattress in your converted car, the sleeping bag will be easier to store. Don't hesitate to take a sleeping bag adapted to the season to keep you warm or, on the contrary, to prevent you from sleeping in a sweat. If you're worried that this won't be enough, take a warm blanket with you to add to your sleeping bag.

An inflatable pillow

We always combine practicality and comfort by opting for an inflatable pillow to take with you on a vanlife weekend ! Inflate it as quickly as possible just before going to sleep to enjoy a cozy night's sleep. A word of advice: don't inflate it to the maximum so that the pillow keeps a little bit of its softness! In the morning, you can deflate it and fold it up to store it in a very small space. 

A mosquito net

To keep mosquitoes and other insects out of your converted van, you can install a mosquito net in front of your doors. That way, you can enjoy the outside air and scenery without being covered in insect bites - and, best of all, they won't be able to wake you up in the middle of the night!


A must-have for light sleepers! When you go away for a vanlife weekendWe don't always know exactly where we're going to sleep, and sometimes we can be in for a few surprises. Noisy neighbors or a busy road nearby can turn your sweet night into a living hell. Fortunately, earplugs can make up for this and greatly reduce outside noise. At last, you'll be able to sleep comfortably in both ears, whether you're by the sea or near a four-lane road. 

Rain gear

It's true that we don't like to be dependent on the weather when we just want to enjoy our beautiful vanlife weekend. But the weather can sometimes be capricious and reserve a few moments of greyness or rain. Yes, the aim is not to stay cooped up in your converted car when you go on a road trip! So it's best to plan ahead and bring along a rain gear in your suitcase. There's no stopping you from cycling or hiking off to your favorite activities and sights!

Warm clothing

Even if the weather is fine, there can still be colder evenings with lots of wind. Here again, we play the foresight card by packing a warm garment. Perfect for enjoying a meal outside even when a cool wind picks up, or to cover up at night when temperatures drop.

Weekend accessories vanlife

Accessories for cooking in vanlife

A grocery corner

Unless you're eating out, you'll also need to plan meals for your vanlife weekend. With the right layout for your car or van, you'll have plenty of space for cooking. But you still need to have everything you need to cook! So don't forget a few groceries like preserves, salt, pepper, herbs, oil, eggs, coffee, cookies, and anything else you fancy.

A water reserve

Don't forget to its water supply is essential when you go away for a vanlife weekend. Of course, you need to think about drinking water, but sometimes you also need water for everyday use, such as washing dishes, clothes or taking a shower. You can therefore take a large can of water with you, which you can refill during your vanlife stay if necessary.

Kitchen equipment

It's hard to cook without a pan, or eat without a plate and cutlery, isn't it? Ideally, you should opt for optimized kitchen equipment for small spaces. From vanlife kitchen sets where all the elements fit together. Space-saving guaranteed!

A stove

Unless you plan to eat cold food all weekend long, a stove will come in handy during your stay in a converted car. Whether you're cooking or just heating up water for washing up, cleaning or drinking tea, the stove will come in handy at different times of your trip.

vanlife kitchen accessories

Essential vanlife accessories to stay clean

The toiletry kit

Of course, whether you're on vacation with friends, in a hotel or on a vanlife weekend, you should never forget your toiletry kit! Wherever you are, being able to wash and stay clean is a real comfort. Take with you only the essential accessories for good hygiene on a road trip without wasting space. Noteworthy toothbrush and toothpaste as well as soap and shampoo as an essential base to take with you. It's up to you to decide if you need to add other elements such as deodorant, perfume, make-up, gel, moisturizer, etc.

A microfiber towel

Travel enthusiasts know all about microfiber towel ! It's been popular for several years now, thanks to the many advantages it offers. Firstly, it's much thinner than a conventional towel. So it's easy to store without taking up too much space. But it also dries very quickly and that's a must when you don't have time to wait for your gear to dry before hitting the road again.  

Toilet paper

Clearly, this is far from thevanlife weekend accessory the most glamorous. But it's probably the one that will save your ass the most! It's not always easy to find a toilet when you're on the move. van travel and, even if you can find them, they often don't come with toilet paper. So don't forget to take a spare roll or two with you to avoid unpleasant surprises!

vanlife tools to go

Practical accessories to take with you on a vanlife weekend

A headlamp

For cooking at night, getting back from a hike or reaching the nearest toilet before going to bed, the headlamp lets you get around safely at night with your hands free. Make sure you keep it in an easily accessible place in your converted car, so you'll always have it to hand. Yes, looking for something in the dark isn't easy. So make it easy for yourself by finding a good place for it!

Paper and pencil

Simple and rudimentary, in this age of smartphones, we don't always think about taking paper and pencils with us when we travel. And yet, they can be very useful in many situations, especially when you're off on a vanlife weekend. In fact, you can take notes directly on your laptop if you need to. But we often try to conserving your battery when traveling in a converted car. So whether you're jotting down a shopping list, planning a trip or even playing games, pencil paper is the perfect solution!

The first-aid kit

We always hope we'll never have to use it, but we're glad to have it with us when we do! Remember to check the contents of your first-aid kit before you leave, and to check the expiration dates of all medicines. Among the essentials to pack in a vanlife first-aid kitThe range includes disinfectant, bandages, Doliprane, a tick remover... But you'll have to customize its content to suit your own needs, if you have muscular pains, allergies, digestive problems or even if you have to take medication regularly, for example.

A survival blanket

Aren't we exaggerating just a little? No! And we'll tell you why. Not only can a survival blanket be an invaluable safety feature in case of an emergency, but it's also a good idea to bring it along when it's particularly cold. If your clothes aren't enough, or if you're feeling a bit feverish, the survival blanket could keep you warm and help you feel better.

A toolbox

It would be unwise to set off in your van without taking a minimum number of tools with you! Whether you're dealing with a mechanical problem, or need to install or uninstall items, your toolbox can come in handy at various points during your road trip. You'll need the bare minimum in this box, such as screwdrivers, wrenches and a hammer. You'll also need battery-powered pliers. The lighter and the Swiss Army knife can also be very useful everyday tools for lighting your stove, cutting a wire or simply uncorking a bottle!


To recharge all your electronic accessories, you'll absolutely need a external battery. It will accompany you when you need battery power to work or watch a movie on your PC, to send messages and track GPS on your cell phone. 

practical vanlife accessories

Household accessories to go vanlife

Garbage bags

Waste management is a recurring problem in the vanlife travel. It's true that you won't always find a garbage can where you've decided to set up home. But that doesn't mean you should just leave your garbage there! That's why it's essential to bring your own garbage bags, so you can carry it away and dispose of it later once you've found a garbage bin.

Sponges and washing-up liquid

As you can imagine, you won't be carrying a lot of crockery to save as much space as possible. This means that you'll have to wash the dishes as soon as you've used cutlery, a frying pan, a plate or a coffee cup. A sponge and a small amount of washing-up liquid will do the trick. a vanlife weekend.

Cleansing wipes

Cleansing wipes are one of the must-have accessories for the vanlife weekend. Already soaked in household products, they'll clean all your van's surfaces and accessories quickly and easily. What's more, they don't take up any space. They're perfect for your daily housework, even if it means doing a bigger clean-up with your own household products when you get home.

Mini vacuum cleaner

It's the must-have if you don't want to find crumbs or sand everywhere! There's nothing more uncomfortable than having all kinds of dust in small spaces. But when you're out and about in a van or car, you can very quickly bring sand, dirt or dust with you. So as soon as you get back from the beach or a hike, all you have to do is give your mini-vac a quick whirl and you're ready to go!

This non-exhaustive list of essential accessories to take with you on a vanlife weekend is mainly limited to the practical aspect. But, for us, it would also be out of the question to go on a road trip without board games, books, a Bluetooth speaker or flip-flops to relax in! Thanks to all these ideas, you now have everything you need to pack a complete suitcase. Don't hesitate to add other accessories that will be useful for you and for the activities you've planned during your vanlife weekend!

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