How to save on roadtrip costs?

Published March 13, 2024

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When we decide to go on a roadtrip or in a converted van, we often think we'll have to break the piggy bank to have an unforgettable stay, but this isn't always the case. Today, the Tchao Tchao editors are giving you a few tips and tricks to make sure your vacation isn't synonymous with spending.
Upgrade your everyday car with a Tchao Tchao layout kit
Renting a converted van can quickly become very expensive, especially in high season. That's why so many people take on the job of fitting out their vehicle, but when you're not a DIY enthusiast and don't want to spend every weekend fitting out your car, it can quickly become a headache.

The solution: Opt for a removable layout kit

Our Tchao Tchao landscaping kits are compatible with over 140 vehicle models They allow you to simply convert your vehicle into a converted van, giving you the freedom to go wherever you want, and whenever you want. 
With the Tchao Tchao landscaping kits no more headaches! The boxes are joined together by an ingenious system of assembly keys, enabling the kit to be installed in your vehicle in 5 MINUTES TOP CHRONO. 
Equipped with a range of options, our kits allow you to live a nomadic life, while retaining a certain level of comfort. 
Once you've found a way to sleep, you can tackle other expenses 👇

Plan your journey in advance

If you're planning a trip, it's always a good idea to organize your routes a little and try to spot some nice spots before you go. This avoids having to spend hours looking for a parking space once you've arrived, and therefore consuming too much fuel. 
If you're looking for an application to find all the parking lots where you can park, you can install the application park4night. It lists all the parking lots in the area, as well as some great places to eat and watch the sun set.

Take along dry foods that keep well 

Promoting local shops

Thanks to the many storage compartments available in our layout kits, you can take food from home with you, saving costs once you're there. Take dry foods such as rice, pasta or wheat, or canned goods that keep well over time.

To avoid packaging and waste, we recommend you use glass jars, which you can fill according to your needs.

❌ We avoid "mini courses" on site which often cost us a lot of money, we come out with too much and this often encourages over-packaging! Anticipation is the best ally for the vanlife economy!

✅ Ideally, you should plan your meals in advance, so that you can plan the right quantity and take only what you need for 3 days, for example! (The extra hot chocolate croissant is highly recommended😉). 


When it comes to fresh food, you can also plan ahead according to your travel time. In the kit van or Micro Camper you can drag a compression fridge to keep your food fresh. But be careful with your fridge's autonomy to avoid unpleasant surprises.


If you have the opportunity, going to the market is always a great activity to do and helps avoid waste and packaging. It's also a great way to get to know the locals and discover local specialties. 

Hygiene in a converted car

How do you wash in a converted vehicle?

Just because you're leaving in a converted vehicle doesn't mean you should neglect cleanliness - quite the contrary! If you're well equipped, you can avoid the campsite and its showers! 

To stay hygienic and shower whenever you want, you can invest in a shower unit. portable solar shower
The portable solar shower is practical and easy to carry on the move. Heating the water is as simple as placing  the pocket in a place likely to catch the sun. 

If you're a little chilly, you can place the pocket on the dashboard or in the back of the vehicle to store heat during the journey and enjoy a hot shower when you arrive at your destination.

As for dishes and laundry, you can simply bring your own soap (Aleppo soap for 100% biodegradability) and use the basin included in the furnishing kit. Micro Camper and converted van .

Drive smoothly and responsibly

Roadtrips inevitably mean fuel consumption, so here's an easy tip to reduce your fuel consumption and limit your impact on the environment.

You can start by adopting a smooth driving style, anticipating traffic as much as possible to avoid slowing down or accelerating too quickly, which consume a lot of fuel.

If you have any other tips to share, please feel free to comment on the article and share your tips. 

In the meantime, we wish you all the best with your Tchao Tchao kit!

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