The best apps for a road trip in a converted car

You're not a paper card fan, and you'd rather play it safe and simple than rely on luck to find WCs? It's perfect timing! We share the best apps for a road trip in a converted car  ! You'll discover that many mobile applications exist to make your trip easier, whether to accompany you throughout your adventure or just to help you from time to time. 

vanlife applications  to plan your trip and define your itinerary

MapsMe: always have a map at hand

The mobile application MapsMe has become a must for vanlife lovers. Its main advantage? Download map zones directly onto your smartphone. So you'll never get lost on the road, even if you don't have a network! We assure you, this road trip planning application  saved the day for more than one person. We also appreciate its various functions for defining and finding points of interest on a map.

Park4Night the vanlife app for finding a place to sleep

Driving in circles for hours until you find a parking space to sleep in, only to be turned away... No way! Park4Night is a application for spot vanlife a must-have on your phone. Thanks to it, you'll know where to spend the night in your car or caravan. converted van . Play around with the different criteria to find your ideal location: on the farm, in a parking lot, in the countryside, free, paying, with public toilets, with a water source, a launderette, and much more!

Waze to avoid wasting time on the road

Practical, Waze is a popular application used by many people for their daily commute. But have you ever thought about use this application for a road trip  ? In addition to serving as GPS, it also allows data to be collected by other users of the application. It warns you if there's a traffic jam, an accident or roadworks, so you can find a detour if necessary. The but? Wasting as little time as possible on routes to make the most of your time vacation in a converted car  !

Best road trip apps

Road trip applications  to find what you need

Gas Now or Essence & Co for low-cost refuelling

We love these two practical applications! Beyond the fear of running out of gas, Gas Now and Essence & Co allow you to save money . In short, we totally approve! These vanlife applications serve both as service station comparison but also à la carte. So you can find several service stations near you and choose the cheapest among them.

Wifi Finder or Wifi Map so you'll never run out of Internet access

Visit digital nomads will love these mobile apps for vanlife! Having an Internet network can be useful in many situations: to find the address of our next activity, to find a restaurant, to exchange messages abroad or simply to work! If you don't have a 4G or 5G network available, you can still fall back on the public wifi network. Wifi Finder and Wifi Map list you all available wifi networks around you and around the world.

FreeTaps for never running out of water

Running out of water is one of the main fears of any vanlife enthusiast. Essential for cooking, washing clothes and staying hydrated, not having water can become a real handicap on your adventure in a converted car. We're delighted, FreeTaps is here for you! This application on Android and iPhone will save your ass several times by pointing out nearby water sources. Now you can set off without worrying about running out of water!

Flush & Where the toilets are for a quick and easy trip to the loo

If these applications for vanlife didn't exist, we'd have to invent them! To plan ahead or to satisfy a pressing need, it is always useful to determine where the nearest toilets are located . With Flush and Where are the toilets? Here you'll find information about every toilet in the world, including whether they're public or private (in which case you'll have to pay for a drink), whether they're public or pay toilets, and so on.

Sorting guide to find waste collection points

If we don't make zero waste when traveling Waste is always an important issue when you go on a road trip. It's more than essential to be environmentally friendly and where you've stayed by collecting your garbage. But sometimes it can be difficult to find sorting garbage cans nearby, so you can spend several hours with garbage in the boot of your converted car. Not always very practical! Sorting guide  brings you the solution by finding the nearest waste collection point. As a little bonus, the mobile app also shows you how to sort your waste if you have any doubts!

vanlife mobile applications

Mobile applications for vanlife  to make your trip easier

Tricount for shared costs

A must for group vacations , Tricount is an application for tracking your expenses and balancing them between you. Whether you're travelling as a couple, with friends or family, with one or more converted cars, this mobile application will help you to manage your vacation budget and divide it among you. Once your stay is over, all you have to do is glance at the application to see who owes how much to whom.

Google Translate for worldwide communication

Unless you speak every language in the world, there's a good chance that Google Translate will be useful if you leave vanlife in a converted car abroad . To understand a sign, a piece of information or chat with a local, you can use this vanlife app wherever you like. Sons and more? You can download the entire dictionary of a language so you can access the translation even when you're offline.

This list of road trip applications is an excellent basis for a worry-free van trip! And what about you? Has a mobile app ever saved the day in the middle of a vanlife holiday?

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