Combine work and pleasure with the Fiat Ducato 

fitted out as a removable van Tchao Tchao.

Did you know that you can convert your everyday van into a converted van in just a few minutes and without tools? The concept is Tchao Tchao's! Without having to invest in a second vehicle, you can transform your work van into a van equipped for cooking, eating and sleeping. And one of the biggest advantages of this Van Kit is that it's 100% removable so your vehicle can be back in professional use in no time. You can then easily alternate between your work during the week and your van excursions at the weekend, effortlessly. So if you own a van like the Fiat Ducato, you've come to the right place. This utility vehicle is perfect as a base, as it's spacious, comfortable and easier to handle than a traditional motorhome.



1,40M X 1,90M




How to transform  its Ducato van into a converted van with Tchao Tchao?

Do you dream of using your Fiat Ducato van as a comfortable and functional living space for your next vacation on the road? Tchao Tchao makes it easy. Simply choose the kit that best suits your Ducato van. You can check the compatibility of the Fiat Ducato at compatible vehicles" page. Once you're sure you've got the Van Kit you need, all you have to do is place your order in just a few clicks via our website . Hundreds of customers are 100% satisfied with their Tchao Tchao kit, for a converted, removable van! As soon as you receive your Tchao Tchao Van Kit, you will need to 5 minutes to install and just as much time to dismantle it at the end of your stay. The process is extremely simple:
  • Empty your Ducato van.
  • Install the boxes of your kit on the floor of your Fiat.
  • Assemble the boxes together using the wooden keys supplied in the kit, without the need for additional tools.
  • Place mattresses, indoor table and any other optional accessories on these boxes.
  • Grab your bags, do some shopping and set off on your adventure.

When you return home, simply dismantle the kit and store it in your garage until your next getaway. 
For more information,  contact -us directly by telephone (02 52 35 25 41) or mail ( .

Tips and tricks for a successful van trip with Tchao Tchao.

Thanks to the Tchao Tchao removable layout kit, you can enjoy the advantages of motorhoming and life on the road without the drawbacks. You don't have a vehicle sleeping in your garage for the biggest holiday of the year, you have easier access to tourist sites and your van is easier to maneuver than a motorhome.

Tchao Tchao shares a few tips with you: Now it remains to plan your roadtrip and for that, Tchao Tchao shares with you some tips:

Be flexible: just as it's essential to organize your roadtrip: itinerary, budget, activities, courses, etc..; unforeseen events, both positive and negative, are frequent. So it's essential to enjoy the moment, listen to yourself, and accept a possible change of program.

Give a fixed place to each of your belongings: A converted van is still a fairly small space, so it's important not to spread yourself too thin and to have a fairly strict organization inside the van. Every choice has its place.

Check your vehicle regularly: to avoid breakdowns and other problems, remember to carry out mechanical check-ups as often as possible. So don't be on the safe side, or you may not find a gas station in time.

Estimate your expenses in advance: although a budget is never fixed, it's still possible to visualize your van vacation expenses, between fuel consumption, penalties, food, activities, parking, etc. in case of a bump in the road.

Travel light: you don't go on a trip to a 5-star hotel with a dressing room; vanlife is a simple, gentle life. Limit yourself to the essentials and reconnect with nature in total simplicity.

Equip yourself with accessories that can enhance your getaway: LED lights, headlamp, stove, fridge, water supply, external battery, etc. All while remaining minimalist, these accessories make your roadtrip even more enjoyable .

Don't forget board games and books: in case of bad weather Nothing beats a game of cards or a good book around your indoor table.

And a trip in 100% electric van

is this the future of vanlife?

Fiat now offers a 100% electric van, the E-Ducato. So we asked ourselves: how about a trip in a Fiat E-Ducato?
The idea of a trip in a 100% electric van is a dream come true. After all, the experience of van life without the environmental burden, what more could you ask for? Likewise, electric vans offer pleasant driving sensations, including total silence and absence of vibration It's pretty cool when you spend hours on the road, isn't it?
On the other hand, there are a few questions about the electric van's range and charging capacity. Fiat then announced that the E-Ducato has an average range of 170km and that 100km of range can be recharged in 30 minutes. 

Or, there are now more and more charging stations on the roads and in the cities.

So if you already have a Fiat E-Ducato Why not order a Tchao Tchao removable kit and try a vanlife? electric and greener  ?