Fitted car, 

good or bad idea?

Are you looking forward to a cross-country vacation? Numerous options are available for turn your vehicle into a home on wheels . And of course, the idea of having a converted car must have crossed your mind. But is it really a good idea to fit out your car  ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a converted car?  ? Let's take a look at the car's main strengths and weaknesses!

The benefits of the converted car

The price

Of course, by opting for a converted car, you can save a lot of money! No need to pay for accommodation when you go away for the weekend, it's the perfect solution for a change of scenery for less . There's also no need to spend extra money on another vehicle for your vacations, such as a van or a car. converted van .

Use only one only one car

Not needing a second vehicle is one of the great advantages of the converted car . Yes, with the right equipment, you can use your everyday car to go on excursions, and sleep in it if you need to. That way, you don't have to buy a second vehicle or pay a second insurance policy - and that means big savings! It's also practical if you don't have many parking spaces at home, for example if you live in an apartment with only one reserved parking space.

Have the freedom to leave whenever and wherever you want

Of course, that's the main advantage of a converted car: you can go on a road trip whenever and wherever you want! Rays of sunshine on the horizon? How about spending a few days by the sea? Clouds and rain are making an appearance? We can postpone our stay until next week! No more headaches, just install your car kit in 5 minutes to satisfy your need for adventure! No need to define your itineraries and programs in advance, let your instincts guide you, even at the last minute.

Have a discreet home

Sometimes, we prefer to drive in peace and quiet, and not show everyone that our vehicle is also the place where we sleep and where we store all our belongings... A converted car is a good idea to feel even safer. You can leave your car in the parking lot or sleep in it without attracting attention.

A access for all parking lots

If you've ever traveled by van or camper van, you've probably experienced this scenario. You look for a parking space for a while until you finally find one. But your joy is short-lived when you see the height limit. With a converted car, you won't have to ask yourself these questions, and you'll be able to park wherever you like without having to check the maximum height allowed.

A way to get back to basics

If you are vanlife enthusiast It's a safe bet that you're also a back-to-basics fan. To be able to travel with the bare minimum, without frills and superficiality, to be able to fend for yourself and be completely free... That's what the converted car offers you! It's the perfect option for enjoy an authentic holiday as close to nature as possible.

Power leave alone and in safety

It's up to you and you alone to choose how you want your vacation to be! If you like solo excursions, the converted car is made for you. This gives you your own private space without having to share it with others. So you're the only one in charge of managing and organizing your vacation. You'll also be able to find your own cozy cocoon for your favorite activities: reading, playing, writing, drawing... 

The practical vehicle par excellence

The advantage of a converted car is that, with the right equipment, you can store everything you need for your business. vanlife stay . Sleeping space, plenty of storage and even a small kitchen. Perfect for concocting small dishes or simply warming up your morning coffee.

Disadvantages of the converted car

A small space

Of course, when you leave in a converted car, it's a far cry from the royal suite! It will be more difficult to go away with several people. But you also need optimize your space to enjoy a minimum of comfort. If you need the comfort of a real home, with a fitted kitchen and a nice bathroom, then a converted car may not be for you. On the other hand, many systems exist to provide a minimum of comfort in your car, such as the Tchao Tchao car kit that lets you enjoy the comfort of a real mattress. The larger and higher-ceilinged your car, the more comfortable your journey. You can also opt for a roof tent and its dedicated roof tent kit to save space and comfort.

More prone to low and high temperatures

It's true that spending winter or hot days in your car can be complicated for some people. It's out of the question to run the engine just to leave the heater or air conditioner running! Yet temperatures can rise and fall very quickly under the cockpit. For the tray, of course, you need to equip yourself for the occasion by taking extra sofas during the winter. And don't forget to take a sun visor with you to less heat build-up in summer . Last resort? Go somewhere where the weather is milder! Remember, you're free to go wherever and whenever you want with your car.

All achieve autonomy

If you want to go on an autonomous road trip with your converted car, you'll need to be well organized. This is one of the disadvantages of the converted car. .. But also one of these advantages! That's right, you'll need to take care of your water, food and electricity supplies so you don't run out of anything during your trip. This forces you to think ahead, but it also helps to make your stay more authentic. What's more, you can purchase a host of practical accessories to conserve your various electricity and water resources.

Travelling in a converted car offers many advantages This is a great way to save money, but above all to travel in total freedom. If you're a fan of this philosophy, you can be sure that a converted car will provide you with wonderful, unforgettable memories!

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